
Friday, May 11, 2012


Sunset is natural which looking good, if it going to like lake water. The time of sunset is defined in astronomy as the moment when the trailing edge of the Sun's disk disappears below the horizon in the west. The ray path of light from the setting Sun is highly distorted near the horizon because of atmospheric refraction, making the sunset appear to occur when the Sun’s disk is already about one diameter below the horizon. Sunset is distinct from dusk, which is the moment at which darkness falls, which occurs when the Sun is approximately eighteen degrees below the horizon. The period between sunset and dusk is called twilight.

Rajshahi has been regarded as the bread-basket of Bangladesh. Recent agricultural modernizations with the much-lauded Barendra project has increased crop-diversification, allowed farmers to access better analysis of their farmland's chemical composition, and generally allowed farmers to grow as many as three crops every year instead of the usual one crop. Moreover, agro-processing is also thought to have an extremely bright future in this region of the country; industry experts predict that gas connection with the rest of the country will allow Rajshahi to fulfill its true potential and generally emerge as one of the most economically vibrant parts of Bangladesh.